Interior design plays a huge role in where renters ultimately choose to live.

From curb appeal to model unit, we know what renters want when shopping for a new apartment home. And we’ll make sure you spend your renovation budget for the best return on investment.
Our renovation strategy starts with identifying the most appealing qualities in your older apartment properties. Then we’ll help you reposition underperforming assets into desirable spaces by adding strategic design elements that translate into highest occupancy. You’ll go to market with repositioned properties that have the power to compete against the shiny new Class A apartments in the neighborhood.
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Get the Multifamily Awards Calendar and Checklist
- Find out which competitions are most important for marketing success
- The awards checklist: what you need to do before you submit
- Make every submission a win—even if you don’t take home an award

Media Strategy
Communications best practices are essential to getting your brand noticed.

With our years of real estate and design media experience, we can connect you with the right public relations team—or help you decide whether to take your PR in house. We can also advise on selecting photographers, building relationships with the media, identifying opportunities for digital and video marketing or sourcing blog content.
Speaking on a panel is one of the most powerful ways to increase brand awareness. Let us help you connect your thought leaders with our network of speaking opportunities. Or bring us in for a second opinion on your marketing projects: having hosted dozens of competition juries, we know the insider secrets behind creating stunning submission packages that wow the judges.